Become a godparent

Do you want to become a godparent to one of Oye LENA’s toddlers?

If you do, you can offer a whole new future to a child for only a couple of eurocents a day.

Children start at Oye LENA when they are 3 years old. They come here for 3 or 4 years of preschool. When they go to primary school, they can still come here every afternoon and we give them study guidance. This way, you can follow your godchild for many years.

For the special children we are more flexible: they can start here whenever they have the need and they can stay as many years as possible.

The children can have two godparents. This is every time one person they don’t know (sponsors who haven’t visited the project) and one familiar face (volunteers who decide to become a godparent after they volunteer).

Sometimes the children stop coming to Oye LENA because they move for example. If your godchild doesn’t come any more, we inform you about this and if you wish we can appoint you a different child. 

How does it work?

– First you receive a photo by e-mail. 

– You can then give a present and send a photo (toddlers) or an e-mail (children who can read/write) to begin. We can translate letters for you. The older children will then also send back an e-mail. 

– With the birthday of your godchild you will receive a sheet with photos and new information. 

– On their birthday we will buy a small gift for your godchild, but you can also send a postal package or deposit extra money for a bigger gift. (See below). 

– You will receive a card or photo taken by your godchild in June by mail. 

– In December, you will receive a Christmas card or photo taken by your godchild by mail. We buy the same gift per target group and give it at the big Christmas party. You can deposit extra money with which the parents can buy clothes or shoes in January. (See below). 

– You can find pictures of your child on Facebook. (So be sure to follow our page.) 

– You can send an email once in a while to ask how your godchild is doing. 

– If you wish, you can also come and visit the project and your child. Inform us in time!

Don’t forget that the mail sometimes takes a long time to cover the distance Belgium – Peru. To avoid this it is possible to do the correspondence by mail. We will then make sure that the printed mail reaches the child. You can mail to 

The postal address is: ONG OYE LENA (Stefanie Van Erps), Molle Molle S/N, Curahuasi, Abancay, Apurimac, Perú.

IMPORTANT: Maybe you don’t really need to have contact with a child?

It is also possible to sponsor the project in general. We still keep in touch through our bimonthly newsletter and in June and December you will receive a card made by one of our children or a postcard from the project, just like all the other godmothers and godmothers.

How do we use your money?

The min. 15 euros per month guarantees the daily operation of the project. So, the money does not go specifically to your own godchild, but is used for ALL the children of the projectWhat do we use this money for?

  • For the purchase of food and drink. The children receive daily fruit, a snack, lunch and drinks. 
  • To finance the doctor and dentist visits where children receive proper treatment and free medication.
  • For the purchase of toys and educational material. 
  • For the parties (Christmas, Mother’s Day, Halloween) where the children, their parents and siblings are pampered with delicacies. 
  • For a gift with their birthday and Christmas. 
  • For the wages of our Peruvian staff.

Bank account:

To ensure a smooth transaction, it is best to give your bank a standing order to deposit a fixed monthly amount (minimum 15 euros = 50 cents per day) to our account number. 

To limit the transaction costs, Oye LENA has a Belgian account number: BE28 06889753 0620 – BIC: GKCCBEBB. With message: “godparent x (name of your child)”.

If you do not support a specific child, but the project in general, then you note: “godparent project“.

Oye LENA can also provide you with a tax certificate.

Deposit your contribution on the account number of “Teachers Without Borders” (of at least 40 euros on an annual basis) mentioning Oye LENA. This mention is very important, otherwise we will receive nothing!

IBAN BE48 5230 8027 2427 / BIC TRIOBEBB

Teacher without Borders vzw, Sint-Bernadettestraat 269, 9000 Gent
With the message: “donation LZG, for project Oye LENA Belgium vzw – sponsorship x (name of your child) or sponsorship project”.

If you wish to stop being a godparent, you can do so at any time. You only have to send us an e‐mail and cancel your standing order. 

2 thoughts on “Become a godparent

  1. Cesar says:


    How can I donate from the USA?


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